I have so much to do every day, and I can't get my housework done.
I want to spend more fulfilling days.
Do you have such a problem?
Even saving 10 minutes of time a day can add up to 300 minutes (5 hours) a month or 3,600 minutes (60 hours) a year.
The way to review your routine is to "visualize" your day and review unfulfilled time.
Visualize routines

Above is a table (sample) that identifies the routines for a day.
It is categorized by routine name, time of day when it is performed, time spent on the task, fulfillment level, and use of time (investment, essential, waste).
Classification of enrichment

Classify time use (investment, essential, waste)

By displaying the percentage of fulfillment and time usage on a pie chart, areas for improvement can be identified.
Routine Review Method
Once you have identified your daily routine, the next thing to do is to review your routine.
Examine each ministry one at a time, checking its fulfillment and use of time.
In case of low fulfillment and wasteful work
This applies to television, which you watch somewhat aimlessly and sluggishly.
When you notice this, consciously move on to other tasks.
For less fulfilling but necessary work
First, let's consider the reasons for low fulfillment.
For example, I'm not a big fan of vacuuming.If the reason is that you don't like the time it takes, or that it is a hassle, etc.
→ Utilize a robot vacuum cleaner.
If you can't get up the nerve to start,
(Do you ever have a hard time getting started, even though it's not a big job when you try?)
→) You can improve this situation by setting up the environment, such as using a cordless vacuum cleaner or placing it in a place where you can easily get to it.
You can improve the situation by adjusting the environment.
However, when replacing appliances, cost-effectiveness must also be taken into consideration.
Let's compare the cost per use and the time saved by replacing appliances.
When the fulfillment level is high, but the work is useless
If the work is fulfilling, it may not be a waste of time, as it may be necessary for physical and mental recovery.
I usually do not watch TV, but I love foreign dramas and cannot stop watching them.
If I find myself regretting it afterwards, I can get rid of what I thought was useless work by taking a new perspective, such as summarizing the contents of the drama or researching something that caught my attention.
Switching time slots
Are you wasting time on unnecessary work in the morning when you can concentrate?
Experiment with swapping tasks that can be done at different times of the day.
Even habits that are difficult to follow will be more fulfilling and easier to continue if they are secured in the morning rather than at night when you are tired.
How to create a routine list
Enter what you do every day from the time you get up in the morning until you go to bed, or at least once a week.
When you enter the name of the routine, a rule line is automatically added.
Use a timer or something similar to measure what time and how long it will take you to complete the task.
Enter how long the work will take.
Enter the time in hours, not minutes.
Enter 0.2 for 10 minutes or 0.5 for 30 minutes.
In the fulfillment row, click on the pull-down ▼ to select the fulfillment level.

Click on the pull-down ▼ in the Time Use row to select ◎, ○, ✕, or ? (Investment, Required, Waste, Unknown) to choose from.

Once everything is entered, the percentage of fulfillment and time spent is displayed in a table and pie chart.

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