My profile

Hello, my name is Ari-mama.
I run a blog in Japan on Kakeibo and household management tips.

Kakeibo is "Household Budget Books" and was invented by Motoko Hani in 1904.
In Japan, it is still one of the most popular ways to manage household finances.

I started this blog to let people outside of Japan know more about the appeal of Kakeibo.

In this blog,I distribute a variety of free kakeibo templates with the goal of

Change your life with a kakeibo.

Achieve the person you want to be with a kakeibo.

I have experienced many failures in kakeibo books, so I have decided to create my own free templates to help people find what they are looking for.

I have created a template that is easy to use and shows the flow of money at a glance.

I believe that a kakeibo has the power to change your life.

By recording your finances, you will not only understand how your money flows and how you spend it, but you will also know how to prioritize and spend your money in the future to reach your life goals.

It is important to

■Finding a household budget that fits your goals.

■Clarify your life goals and the purpose of keeping a kakeibo.

Excel Kakeibo template(free),I recommend it to anyone who couldn't last.

This template allows you to invest in yourself ahead of time to increase your income, and I have received positive feedback that my annual income has actually increased.

I have also increased my annual household income by 1 million yen by using this kakeibo.

You cannot separate your life goals from money.

By being able to control your money, you will be able to control your life.

I hope that many people will use the kakeibo as a tool to change your lives.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions such as "I wish there was such a kakeibo" or "I want such a template.

You can download a free template of "Excel kakeibo" here.

Comparison of kakeibo templates (features summarized)

This article summarizes the features of the kakeibo templates that I have distributed. Kakeibo templates include Excel household budgets, spreadsheet kakeibo, digital kakeibo, and kakeibo ...