Household budget management Template

Free format for keeping track of household finances .


I have created a free format for compiling records related to household finances, such as insurance and medical expenses.

By compiling all the records of your household finances, you will be able to cope with emergencies without panicking.

List of household sheet

  • Record of medical expenses
  • Credit card records
  • Insurance records
  • Gift/receipt records
  • Expiration date records
  • Birthday records
  • ID and password records

Record of medical expenses

Record medical and drug costs for the year.

Credit card records

Keeping a record of your card details will help you avoid panic if you lose it.
It is even safer to keep a record of all family members' cards.

It is recommended that you keep your credit card records at home instead of carrying them around.

Insurance records

We recommend that you keep a record of what insurance you and your family currently have.
It is also important to review this information when you have a child or have a major event.

Gift/receipt records

You can record gifts and gifts that you tend to forget.
In the "to/from" column, circle "to" for gifts and "from" for gifts received, and record the name.

Expiration date records

You can record the expiration dates of driver's licenses, passports, and other documents that you tend to forget.
By consolidating your family members' expiration dates in one place, you can avoid being in a hurry when it comes time to renew your driver's license or passport.

Birthday records

Record the birthdays of your family, friends, and children's friends.
Once recorded, you can rest assured that you will not forget.

ID and password records

Digital storage is fine, but it is safer to keep a paper record of your IDs and passwords.

It is recommended that you keep your ID and password records at home instead of carrying them around.

Printing Method

Please select the paper size and color printing in advance when printing on your home printer or online.

Free download

Click the download button to download the PDF file.

Please print and use your preferred printing method.

Total 7 sheets


Free download



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-Household budget management, Template