
Template for “visualizing” furniture and appliance assets (free of charge)


Do you know how much equity you have in your home?

It was expensive when you bought it, but how much is it worth now?
Is it time to replace it?

To help you answer these questions, I have created a “Furniture and Appliance Inventory Template” that allows you to take inventory of your furniture and appliances.

Why is it important to manage furniture and appliances?

There are many unexpectedly expensive items in the house.


  • How much do you use them?
  • How much value is left?
  • Is it time to replace them?

Are you spending your time without being aware of these things?

For example, a refrigerator you purchased for $1,000 . How much is it worth after 5 years?

By using the Furniture and Appliance Template, you can design a better life, realizing the “wealth” you exchanged for money.

  • You can properly assess the assets of your home.
  • You can determine when it is time to buy a new one.
  • Clear your life by letting go of unneeded items
  • Prevent unnecessary expenses and spend money wisely.

Features of the Furniture and Appliances Template

The following items can be recorded in this template

  • Basic information
    (Item name, date of purchase, purchase price, location of installation, warranty period)
  • Asset value and depreciation
    (Useful life, remaining useful life, residual value, annual depreciation, current estimated value)
  • Satisfaction level
  • Disposal method

Recommended method of utilization

  • Periodic updates (once a year, e.g., during bonus season or at the end of the year)
  • Organize unneeded items (visualize “plan to let go”)
  • Plan for replacement (review items that have exceeded their useful life)
  • Utilize the used market (sell with reference to estimated value)
  • Reviewing the richness of life

Reviewing these items will help you not only manage your home's assets, but also realize the value of your money spent and sort out what you need and don't need!

How to use the Furniture and Appliances Template

Setup Sheet

On the setup sheet, enter the category name and installation location.

  • Category: Furniture, appliances, electronics, etc.
  • Installation location: living room, bedroom, kitchen, etc.


Entry Details

  • Item name
  • Category (select from tabs)
  • Date of purchase
  • Purchase Price
  • Location (select from tabs)
  • Lifetime
  • Residual Value
  • Warranty Period
  • Satisfaction (5-point scale)
  • Disposal Method

For residual value, enter the amount available for sale on the used market.

The light blue background is automatically displayed.

  • Year Purchased
  • Remaining useful life
    Useful life - (current year - year purchased)
  • Annual depreciation
    Purchase price / useful life
  • Current estimated value
    Remaining useful life ✖️ Depreciation per year
  • Satisfaction (star rating)
    Satisfaction entered as a number from 1 to 5 converted to stars

Depreciation is “a method of accounting for the decrease in value of long-lived items (assets) over time.

The amount of depreciation to be recorded in a year is called annual depreciation.

Calculation example

  • A refrigerator costing $1,000
  • Assume it is used for 10 years (when depreciated equally)
  • Annual depreciation expense = $1,000 ÷ 10 years = $100

→ $100 is recorded as an expense for each year.

You can display specific items in the ricer.

Slicer List

  • Year Purchased
  • Category
  • Location
  • Satisfaction
  • Number of remaining useful life

It helps to consider the timing of replacement and to determine priorities.

How to change currency

  • Select the range to be changed
  • Format>Custom>Custom Currency
  • Select a currency unit

Purchase Price Sheet

Purchase price by year.

Residual Value Sheet

Residual value is shown by year.

Current Price Sheet

Current estimated value by year.

Free Download

The downloaded file is for viewing only.
After downloading, please make a copy of the file before use.

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